Earlier, I had written about my experience at the Ross Information Session in Bangalore on 10/14. I had a chance to have a lot of discussions with the alumni and with Kelly and thoroughly enjoyed it. I also had a chance to interview 2 of the alumni who attended the session.

Mr. Sandeep Basrur, Ross Class of 1986, now runs his own manufacturing firm in Bangalore, after several years at Proctor & Gamble. He talked about his Ross Experience, how Ross has changed since he came out of the school and about the Ross-India Alumni Association which he is an active part of.

The other person I interviewed was Mr. Atal, Class of ‘05 and Kelly’s classmate who is now into Management Consulting with PRTM and has worked in US, Egypt and India on several projects. He was very passionate and energetic talking about the school. At the session, he was one among the alumni who was most upfront in answering questions. He talked about his experience at Ross, Ross’s stress on teamwork, his class experience, professors and his MAP experience.

Sadly, my E71 acted up and the video got screwed. I tried with all my video editing skills to get it working, but I could not get a good enough version to upload on the site. So I ripped the audio off the video (you might see/hear that a part of the audio is lost, from about 01:20 to 01:22). Also the last question got cut off, again due to some technical snag with my phone 😦 Here is a picture of Atal and the audio from our interview (or what is left off it) …

Atal, Ross MBA Class of '05

Atal, Ross MBA Class of '05

[Download the file here]

I also wanted to talk to Ms. Kelly Kong Rogers, Associate Director of Admissions and Ross Class of ‘05, but she was really exhausted driving the whole session and had to set off to Hyderabad for an event the next day. But Kelly was considerate of my request and agreed for a telephonic interview with me on 10/17 before the Ross Information Session in Mumbai.

Talking to Kelly on Friday, I was able to get a perspective on how the admissions committee views an application. I have read it several times on websites, but Kelly really explained and dispelled many myths associated with B-School admissions. I really appreciate the fact that Kelly, despite her busy travel schedule could spend time to clear a lot of the misconceptions and also share information on Ross. Here is the audio recording of the call.

[Download the file here]

I would like to thank Sandeep, Atal & Kelly for taking time off to do these interviews. I really appreciate it…